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Monochrome Factor Episode 4

Based on the manga by Sorano Kairi serialised in Comic Blade Avarus.Akira Nikaido is a typical slacker high school student who thinks he has a normal life - until a mysterious man called Shirogane appears and tells him to meet him at the school that night. He is skeptical but goes anyway... and gets attacked by a shadow monster! Shirogane convinces him that the balance between the human world and the shadow world has been distorted, and that Akira must become a shin -a creature of the shadow world -in order to help restore the balance.[AniDB]

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megaupload.comMonochrome Factor - 04.aviavi188.5 MB
megaupload.comMonochrome Factor 04.rarrar171.4 MB
megaupload.com[IIDX] Monochrome Factor - 04.aviavi149.63 MB
megaupload.com[ainex] Monochrome Factor 04 (1024x576 h264) [E818A471].mkvmkv175.49 MB
filefactory.com[ainex]_Monochrome_Factor_04_(1024x576_h264)_[E818A471].mkvmkv175.49 MB
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